An Exploration in Texture.
My work explores landscapes and architectural elements paying attention to relationships between form, shadow, light and negative space, and how atmosphere affects a viewer’s perceptions. I’m currently working in abstract mono relief prints and limited editions of reduction relief printing, a process that utilizes a single block for several individual colors.
I received a BFA from the University of Montana with emphases in Printmaking and Metalwork/Sculpture. My work has been shown at Jag Gallery, Key West, FL; Spokane Print Fest, Spokane, WA; The Brinton Museum, Big Horn WY; Courage Kenny Foundation, Minneapolis, MN; Sunnyview Foundation, Schenectady, NY; Plymouth Center for the Arts, Plymouth, MA; Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital, Bryn Mawr, PA. and in Missoula, MT at Radius Gallery, ZACC, 4 Ravens Gallery, UC Gallery, and in Missoula Art Museum’s Annual Auction.
My recent work is in reduction relief on linoleum block. The process starts with a drawing on the block. I determine which will be the first color (usually white) and carve away all the parts from the block that I want to be white. The block gets inked with the next usually darker ink. This second color is then carved away so that I can ink the next color. These colors are layered on in this sequence with as many as 8 - 10 layers of ink. Each successive carving removes more of the block until at the end there is very little left to print. Picasso called this process suicide block printing.